We take care of you with our eyes

Welcome to the specialized family medicine complex, and we are happy to serve you from Saturday to Thursday

(1:00 pm – 9:00 pm)

We are honored to have you visit us

Jeddah – Al Fayhaa District – Emaar Square – Building E8 – Fourth Floor

We are pleased to communicate with you through the following numbers

0566826829 – 0126710330

Do you have an emergency?

Book your appointment now!

Appointments en

Your health is important to us

Your health is important to us, and your care is our goal. We are always keen on having highly qualified doctors and specialists in our various specialties.

We are honored to have you visit us

Jeddah – Al Fayhaa District – Emaar Square – Building E8 – Fourth Floor

We are pleased to communicate with you through the following numbers

0566826829 – 0126710330

Do you have an emergency?

Book your appointment now!

Appointments en

We are pleased to serve you and we are honored to visit you

The clinics of the specialized family medicine complex provide many treatment and advisory services for all age groups and at the hands of distinguished medical and technical cadres.

We are honored to have you visit us

Jeddah – Al Fayhaa District – Emaar Square – Building E8 – Fourth Floor

We are pleased to communicate with you through the following numbers

0566826829 – 0126710330

Do you have an emergency?

Book your appointment now!

Appointments en

Always with you

We provide urgent care to you without waiting and as soon as possible

We are honored to have you visit us

Jeddah – Al Fayhaa District – Emaar Square – Building E8 – Fourth Floor

We are pleased to communicate with you through the following numbers

0566826829 – 0126710330

Do you have an emergency?

Book your appointment now!

Appointments en

Our Goal

To provide you with distinguished medical services of high quality, with our full commitment to the development and improvement of all services, and to strive to manage your health comprehensively and continuously, and we are pleased to be your first reference for your health and the health of your family members.

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Our team

We are always keen on the presence of highly qualified doctors and specialists in the various specialties that we have. Your health is important to us and your care is our goal.

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Our Services

The specialized medical services complex clinics provide therapeutic and advisory services for all age groups and at the hands of distinguished medical and technical cadres.

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تقديم خدمة طبية متميزة ذات جودة عالية وبكلفة معقولة، مع الالتزام بالتطوير والتحسين من خلال الكوادر الطبية المؤهلة والتقنيات الحديثة بهدف المساهمة الفاعلة في رفع مستوى الرعاية الصحية وخدمة المجتمع.

أعرف أكثر

فريقنا المحترف

نوفر جميع الخدمات من خلال فريق موحّد متعدد الاختصاصات، يعمل جميع أعضائه في خدمة الاستشارات المباشرة، و لتأكيد الحصول على الاستشارة بسهولة، حتى نضمن الأثر الإيجابي على تجربة المريض ونتائج العلاج.

أعرف أكثر

خدماتنا المتكاملة

تقديم خدمات الرعاية الصحية الشاملة المتميزة من خلال فريق عمل مؤهل بإستخدام أفضل الأجهزة الحديثة والمتطورة لخدمة مرضانا وتخفيف معاناتهم وتحقيق رضاهم في إطار من الثقة المتبادلة وفق أعلى معايير الجودة العالمية.

أعرف أكثر

Because you are family and your family’s health is your priority

Family and diabetes clinics

In one place, you will find, with the help of God Almighty, the main gateway to your health, which is the Family Medicine and Diabetes Clinic and the facilities available in it, whether specialized doctors or support services that help provide an appropriate and useful service for you. We are pleased to be the medical reference for you and your honorable family.

Take care of your teeth and boost your confidence

Specialized dental clinics

We have provided you with a lot of modern international technologies in our dental clinics. You can be assured of your dental health through highly qualified doctors and specialists.

Your diet is on us

Therapeutic Nutrition Clinic

We offer you nutritional programs designed for your health condition. Do not hesitate to contact us and we are happy to serve you

Check on the health of your heart

Adult heart clinic

We offer you an assessment of heart health and the risk factors that may, God forbid, affect the heart and arteries, and perform the necessary analyzes for heart health and control blood pressure levels and high fats, if any.

Specialized Family Medicine Complex

Our doctors

Our medical staff is highly qualified and distinguished, and enhances our confidence that all our patients will receive the best forms of health care and the necessary treatment services, God willing.

قسم العظام

د. أحمد طالب

التخصص:  نائب جراحة عظام (أخصائي)

قسم الأسنان

د. ابتسام حسان

التخصص:  نائب تركيبات أسنان (أخصائية)

قسم الأطفال

د. السيد الطنطاوى

التخصص:  نائب أطفال (أخصائي)

قسم الباطنية

د. وسام أحمد

التخصص:  نائب أول في الأمراض الباطنية

قسم العظام

د. أحمد طالب

التخصص:  نائب جراحة عظام (أخصائي)

قسم الأسنان

د. ابتسام حسان

التخصص: نائب تركيبات أسنان (أخصائية)

قسم الأطفال

د. السيد الطنطاوى

التخصص:  نائب أطفال (أخصائي)

قسم الباطنية

د. وسام أحمد

التخصص:  نائب أول في الأمراض الباطنية

latest news

Here you will find news, offers and developments related to the specialized family medicine complex

work hours

We are happy to serve you from Saturday to Thursday (1:00 pm – 9:00 pm)

Contact information and location

Jeddah – Al Fayhaa District – Emaar Square – Building E8 – Fourth Floor


تأسس مجمع طب العائلة المتخصص تحت اشراف مجموعه متميزة من الخبرات الطبية المميزة بهدف خدمة المجتمع بشكل يتناسب مع احتياجاتهم , حيث يقدم المجمع مجموعة متكاملة من الخدمات الطبية والعلاجية إذْ نسعى من خلاله لتقديم خدمات طبية عالية الجودة في العديد من التخصصات الطبية ( طب الأسرة والسكري - طب الأسنان - أمراض القلب للكبار - مختبر - أشعة )

احجز موعدك

جميع الحقوق محفوظة – مجمع طب العائلة المتخصص 2023

حساب نسبة الدهون