
Clinics and services

Family medicine and diabetes clinics

  • Treatment of all common diseases for all ages
  • Treatment of patients with diabetes and chronic diseases
  • Comprehensive and early screening for diseases
  • Palliative therapy and pain management
  • Coordinating patients with hospitals for all specialties according to need and following them up

Specialized dental clinics

  • Dental cosmetics, fixtures and fillings
  • Treatment of common dental diseases
  • Root canal treatment
  • Dental implants
  • Orthodontics
  • Gum surgery
  • Dental Veneers
  • Hollywood smile installation
  • Treatment of a tooth abscess
  • Fluoride application
  • Teeth Whitening
  • Hollywood Smile
  • Caries treatment
  • And many other services

Therapeutic Nutrition Clinic

  • Dietary follow-up for diabetics
  • Dietary follow-up before and after sleeve gastrectomy
  • Dietary follow-up for patients with chronic diseases
  • Dietary follow-up for obesity and underweight
  • Designing special nutritional programs
  • Nutrition counseling for children
  • Dietary follow-up for patients with wheat allergy
  • Dietary follow-up for patients with the digestive system
  • Dietary follow-up for allergy sufferers

Adult cardiology clinic

  • Evaluation of heart health and risk factors
  • Doing the necessary analyzes for heart health
  • Doing the necessary analyzes to control blood pressure and high lipid levels

x_ray place

  • X-rays
  • Panorama teeth
  • Dental x-rays


All blood tests

How do we do?

our method

What do we do?

Our goal

To provide you with distinguished medical services of high quality, with our full commitment to the development and improvement of all services, and to strive to manage your health in a comprehensive and continuous manner. We are pleased to be your first reference for your health and the health of your family members.

We present to you

Our team

We are always keen on the presence of highly qualified doctors and specialists in the various specialties that we have. Your health is important to us and your care is our goal.

we offer

Our services

The clinics of the specialized family medicine complex provide many treatment and advisory services for all age groups and at the hands of distinguished medical and technical cadres.


تأسس مجمع طب العائلة المتخصص تحت اشراف مجموعه متميزة من الخبرات الطبية المميزة بهدف خدمة المجتمع بشكل يتناسب مع احتياجاتهم , حيث يقدم المجمع مجموعة متكاملة من الخدمات الطبية والعلاجية إذْ نسعى من خلاله لتقديم خدمات طبية عالية الجودة في العديد من التخصصات الطبية ( طب الأسرة والسكري - طب الأسنان - أمراض القلب للكبار - مختبر - أشعة )

احجز موعدك

جميع الحقوق محفوظة – مجمع طب العائلة المتخصص 2023

حساب نسبة الدهون