
About Us

About Us

Family medicine (who we are)

The specialized family medicine complex was established under the supervision of a distinguished group of distinguished medical expertise with the aim of serving the community in a manner commensurate with their needs. Dental – cardiology for adults – laboratory – x-rays)

Our message

Providing integrated health care to all our patients with high efficiency and distinction in order to serve the community in a manner commensurate with their needs

Our vision

To be your first reference for your health and the health of your family members

About Us

Our values

Respect patient privacy

We are committed to respecting the patient’s privacy and maintaining the confidentiality of his information

patient first

We put the interests of patients at the top of our priorities, as the patient is the focus of our attention, assessing his health condition and determining the risk factors for his life.

Permanent development of the system

We always strive to keep pace with development in medical and therapeutic services to achieve a leading position in providing distinguished and integrated care for all family members.

Responsibility and passion

We always work responsibly and passionately to meet the needs of our patients and employees

Respect and distinction

We always treat doctors, specialists, employees, patients and their families with the utmost respect, and we strive to provide the best medical services through a distinguished medical staff.


We trust the capabilities, competencies and skills of our team and believe that they are able to perform their duties with all honesty and sincerity

Success Partners

Are you a doctor or a female doctor?

Come to us and we will contact you when we want to


تأسس مجمع طب العائلة المتخصص تحت اشراف مجموعه متميزة من الخبرات الطبية المميزة بهدف خدمة المجتمع بشكل يتناسب مع احتياجاتهم , حيث يقدم المجمع مجموعة متكاملة من الخدمات الطبية والعلاجية إذْ نسعى من خلاله لتقديم خدمات طبية عالية الجودة في العديد من التخصصات الطبية ( طب الأسرة والسكري - طب الأسنان - أمراض القلب للكبار - مختبر - أشعة )

احجز موعدك

جميع الحقوق محفوظة – مجمع طب العائلة المتخصص 2023

حساب نسبة الدهون